Sunday, May 31, 2015

Romantic Master Bedroom Interior Decorating Ideas

When it comes to the bedroom, do you know how to add romance? Many of us have not really thought about how we want our bedrooms to feel. Sure, we decorate the lounge a bit as we expect guests and don't want it to loo stark, but when it comes to the bedroom, many of us overlook it. The bedroom if decorated well is like a real sanctuary. If not done well, can feel plain and not welcoming or relaxing. If you know what to do, you will enhance the feeling in the room and make it relaxing, romantic and whatever touch you want. If you don't do it well, you may not find that you enjoy the time in the bedroom much. So what to do? Here are the key steps to decorating your bedroom with romance. Declutter This is the first step before doing anything else. And is an essential step before any form of decorating. So for the bedroom, this means getting any piles of papers, electronic equipment, clutter of any sort and anything else into a cupboard somewhere. Clean the floor and any surfaces. Add a piece of art This is a great step to romance as beautiful art stirs the imagination and soul. A great piece of art to enjoy is a large tapestry. A wall tapestry has a presence that makes a room simply special. For romance you can choose a beautiful scene, landscape or floral design. A scene that you love and that takes you away to a romantic place instantly transports you in place and time. Use a personal art piece Why not add a picture of you and your loved one? When you place these pictures in your bedroom it reinforces the feeling of being a couple. So choose a picture and place it in a nice spot. If you are single, then you can place pictures that represent romance for you whether it is a pair of love birds, or anything as a pair. Use a color that you love You may have a favorite color, and you can add this in the form of the bed spread, a decoration or even potpourri in that color. It doesn't have to dominate the room. For example if you love blue, a complete blue room may not be too romantic. So put an element of blue somewhere but it does not have to be the whole thing. 

Add good lighting If you love to read in bed then have a nice lamp to provide this light, as well as ambient soft light for the rest of the room. A glaring globe or overly harsh light can make a room clinical and annoying, so choose a lamp and shade that provides diffuse light. So there you have it. You can achieve a romantic bedroom if you follow the above steps. When you imagine each of these elements together you can feel the difference it will make in your bedroom decor. With great bedroom interior decorating tips as above, you will make a big difference. When you put these steps we've just gone through together in your room you will create a romantic bedroom sanctuary.

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